Team US by Ashleigh Slater
Team us! That's what marriage is all about. I think the problems with this world is that too many marriages are built around selfish mindsets. Men and women who live in the same house, but live separate lives. That's why the divorce rate is so high. Marriage is a team effort. From the very beginning, God's design was for a husband and wife to be one. Two people living one life, not two people living two lives occupying the same house. That's the issue this book addresses.
I'm a husband, father, and pastor, so this book was very much of interest for me on many different levels. It's a good book full of great ideas. My biggest criticism would simply be that it seems more suited for women than men. I like the way it's written, meaning that it's like a conversation rather than a lector. But it's more like a conversation that the ladies of the house would have. We guys tend to be a little more rough and in need of excitement. None of that here.
That being said, it's a great book. Guys would do well to read it. It's not as exciting as a book on the Song of Solomon, but it's good. Ladies will love it, but it will take a little more effort for the guys. All that being said, Team us is really about teamwork in marriage. Ashleigh Slater does a good job of telling about the frustrations and issues that she and her husband have faced in their marriage and how they dealt with those issues. There's nothing groundbreaking here, just helpful. So read it, learn from it, and enjoy being a part of the most awesome team on earth - Team us!
God Bless,
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