Audrey Bunny - Awesome Book for Kids
Audrey Bunny is a stuffed animal who is looking at the world from out of a barrel full of stuffed animals waiting for someone to purchase them and take them home. The author, Angie Smith, does an amazing job of creating a story that is not only interesting, but connects with kids.
Audrey Bunny has an imperfection that she tries so hard to hide. And she is so worried that because of her imperfection, no one wants her. She feels unlovable. Throughout this story, you will find yourself realizing that you are Audrey Bunny. You are not perfect, but that while you were still a sinner, Christ loved you enough to die for you. He chose you, despite your imperfections.
I would highly recommend this book to parents of young children. It's a great story that relates to kids and adults alike. Everyone needs to know that they are loved. The last page of this book instills that into the mind of the children who hear this story. "Your hands made me and formed me." - Psalm 119:73
This book is well written and has amazing depth. I give it a 5 out of 5. My kids absolutely loved it. When I finished, they were asking if it had another chapter. You know it's good when a 6 & 9 year old ask for more.
God Bless,
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