Revealing Jesus( A 365-Day Devotional) by Darlene Zschech
You will find traditional devotions in pages of this book, but one of the things that I think really impressed me is that scattered throughout are devotionals that contain nothing but the words to a song. The Solid Rock, Amazing Grace, and Great is Thy Faithfulness are just a few.
The devotionals are encouraging, enlightening, and always based upon a scripture verse of the day. They are topical, but tend to follow a well thought out pattern. As I read through the book, I found that instead of just jumping from one scripture to the next, the author would spend a whole week or even a month on one passage of scripture.
Overall, I would give this a 5 out of 5. It is a great devotional for anyone. I don't think that it's very deep or hard to read in areas of theology. It's just good, basic devotionals that will uplift the Christian and enlighten the sinner.
I received this book from Bethany House Publishing in exchanged for my review. It is easily available to buy on most online book retailers. Read it and enjoy it!
God Bless,
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