Unashamed To Bear His Name - R.T. Kendall (review by Marcus)

Unashamed To Bear His Name by R. T. Kendall is a great book. It is a very challenging book. Are you really willing to bear His name? Are you willing to be laughed at, ridiculed, persecuted or even killed for the name of Jesus? While I do not agree with the Calvinistic doctrine that is given in this book, I would recommend it as a challenge to make you a stronger Christian. Rev. John Zechman always said, “Chew on the meat and spit out the bones”. This book contains some “bones”, but it is loaded with some great “meat”. So read it and let it challenge you to be unashamed to bear the criticism and sometimes persecution that comes with being a Bible believing Christian.
*This book was given to me by the publisher, Chosen Books, in exchange for my review.*
