Mothers & Sons - book review
Mandy - this time! ;-) I enjoyed the opportunity to read this book to review. Mother & Son: The Respect Effect was written by Emerson Eggerichs. I was familiar with Mr. Eggerichs popular book Love and Respect,(women need love, men need respect) so I was excited to read this one.
"We all realize that little girls need their daddies' love, but no one is promoting the truth that little boys (and adult ones) need their moms' respect." (from jacket cover) Mr. Eggerichs does a thorough job in defining the need for respect and through examples, gives practical ways of incorporating "Respect-Talk" into every day parenting and discipline. He includes examples for both the younger age boys and older ones.
I was very glad to have my own copy of this book because I was able to mark paragraphs, page numbers, etc... throughout the book to be able to reflect and review as I move through different ages and stages in my own son's life.
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