Activating the Power of the Cross by Tony Evans - Book Review
So for this review, I give you a few nuggets from the book:
"If we leave out the cross, we are only left with the empty shell called religion."
"We have turned it into an emblem, good luck charm, or decoration rather than leverage the authority and ability that the cross grants. Essentially, we have made the cross nothing more than a replica to induce guilt rather than what it is - the single greatest affirmation and demonstration of pure love."
"The problem that we face in our modern, contemporary Christian culture is that we have forgotten the purpose, the preeminence, and the power of the cross."
"It is dying to self that gives you the ability to truly live. Jesus' life in you only comes when you willingly lay down your own life and submit to Him."
"As long as you are living for you, all that the cross has to offer will never be yours."
That is just a sample. I encourage you to read this book and let it remind you of the true meaning of the cross. I was given this book by Moody Press
in exchange for my honest review.
God Bless,
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